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Anti radio tower fundraiser generates $15,000

Members of the Cross Border Coalition to Stop the Radio Towers say their benefit event at Seabright Farms in Point Roberts on Sunday, Aug. 23 was a tremendous success, raising $15,000. Right: Craig Jacks entertains the crowd.
Members of the Cross Border Coalition to Stop the Radio Towers say their benefit event at Seabright Farms in Point Roberts on Sunday, Aug. 23 was a tremendous success, raising $15,000. Right: Craig Jacks entertains the crowd. The group is trying to raise money to help pay their legal fees in the ongoing fight to stop a plan by BBC Broadcasting Inc. to erect five 45-metre (150-foot) steel towers in Point Roberts, close to the Tsawwassen border. The broadcast company has gone to a court in the U.S. hoping to overturn a rejection of the application by Whatcom County.