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Big plans in the works for Little House

Non-profit looking to expand range of services it provides on substance abuse and addiction
Elena Murgoci has taken over as full-time executive director of the South Delta Little House Society.

Big things are in store for the South Delta Little House Society.

Recently, Elena Murgoci took over as full-time executive director. She said she is excited about the future and continuing to build relationships throughout the community.

“For us here at the Little House, we are going through a new phase,” Murgoci said. “The fact we are waiting to get charitable status and have the ability to go out in the community to do some major fundraising that will enable us to better get the word out in the community about who we are and what we are all about is certainly a significant step.

“It’s all very exciting. So much work has been done in the last five years, and now it’s the business plan for the next five years, where are we going and what kind of impact do we want to make in the community, that is going to make a difference.”

Little House Society is a community non-profit group dedicated to promoting and advancing education related to substance use, abuse, addiction and recovery.

Besides ramping up fundraising efforts, and securing charitable status, Murgoci wants to see Little House offer various community education programs around substance use and addiction.

The upcoming Heart of a Family, set for Saturday, Sept. 10, is a one-day workshop for family members, caregivers or friends worried about someone’s substance abuse. Scheduled for 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., the $100 fee includes lunch and materials.

Topics discussed will include: what is abuse? Addiction? Could my loved-one be addicted? How do we set boundaries and not enable? How do we talk with them? How do we address all the trauma? And the importance of self-regulation.

The workshop will be presented by Geri Laurence, who helps facilitate the Discovery Program at the Cedars at Cobble Hill Treatment Centre on Vancouver Island.

“The Heart of a Family workshop is to help families as they deal with a loved one who is going through the challenges of substance abuse. Families need help too. They need the mechanisms to learn how to deal and cope with that,” said Murgoci.

“It’s about having the ability to listen and not pass judgment. This workshop helps those families. This is very important for the Little House to be able to offer this in the community.”

For more information on the workshop or any of the programs and services offered by the Little House, email [email protected] or call 604-385-0399.

Little House is at 5061-12th Ave. in Tsawwassen.