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Caregivers receive support and education from local network

Editor: The recent report by the province's seniors advocate titled Caregivers in Distress has brought much media attention to the plight of family caregivers in B.C.

Editor: The recent report by the province's seniors advocate titled Caregivers in Distress has brought much media attention to the plight of family caregivers in B.C. It recognizes the large number of family members trying to care for a loved one while balancing the demands of other family members, work and sometimes their own health problems.

The report found that many caregivers are unaware of the services and support available in the community and often don't begin to look for it until they are overwhelmed and exhausted. With this in mind, we would like to inform the caregivers in South Delta of our unique volunteer organization, the South Delta Caregivers' Network.

We offer an education and support group twice a year for family caregivers and an ongoing monthly drop-in support group. We hope that caregivers come to us early in their "caregiving journey" so they can prepare themselves for the challenges ahead. Help is available.

Our next education series and support group will start Wednesday, Oct. 7. It will run from 1 to 3 p.m. once a week for eight weeks. The cost is $50.

To register, call the Centre for Supportive Care at 604-948-0660.

Sylvia Pryke and Laurie Pettman Co-facilitators South Delta Caregivers' Network