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Christmas lights cheer up Delta Hospital

A team of 10 Rotary Club of Ladner members, including several from Pure Sunfarms, put up the lights and seasonal figures
Healing Garden at Night 2
The Healing Garden, off the main entrance to the Delta Hospital, is now bright with Christmas lights and décor, for patients, residents, hospital and medical staff and visitors alike. Photo by Rotary Club of Ladner

Patients in the 58 acute care beds, outpatients, 92 long-term care residents, their visitors and the more than 110 hospital and medical staff at Delta Hospital are getting a lift from the Christmas lights now brightening up the main entrance and the Healing Garden at the hospital's central courtyard.

A team of 10 Rotary Club of Ladner members, including several from Pure Sunfarms, put up the lights and seasonal figures during the Dec. 5/6 weekend.