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Coalition's petition has reached 1,200 signatures

A petition against the proposed Point Roberts radio towers has already surpassed the 1,200-signature mark. To be submitted to the House of Commons, the petition requests federal government intervention into the BBC Broadcasting Inc.

A petition against the proposed Point Roberts radio towers has already surpassed the 1,200-signature mark.

To be submitted to the House of Commons, the petition requests federal government intervention into the BBC Broadcasting Inc. application to erect five radio towers in the American peninsula.

The petition has been garnering a positive response, according to members of the Cross Border Coalition to Stop the Radio Towers who have been organizing it.

The Federal Communications Commission in the U.S. has already approved the towers, although approval is still required by Whatcom County.

Tsawwassen Business Improvement Association president Randy Scott said the organization has been asked to support the petition by having it available at local businesses. At least 25 shops, including his own Randy's Tirecraft, have agreed to do so with many more expected to join in the coming days.

Coalition members have also set up a table weekly at the Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall where people can get more information, sign the petition or make a donation to the legal fund. The table is staffed Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., although not over the long weekend.

Coalition members are scheduled to meet with federal Industry Minister James Moore next week.

For more information about the fight, check