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Council salaries for 2010

The annual report outlining the salaries and expenses of civic politicians was presented at a recent Delta council meeting.

The annual report outlining the salaries and expenses of civic politicians was presented at a recent Delta council meeting.

The municipality is required to annually present a list of the remuneration, taxable benefits and expenses of the mayor and members of council.

In 2010, Mayor Lois Jackson received a salary of $69,764.98 with an expense allowance of $39,100.40. She claimed $21,238.94 in expenses. However, $10,578.95 was provided by the Provincial Economic Development Fund India Twinning Initiative and Delta is owed more than $2,000 of the mayor's expenses from Metro Vancouver.

Under the Community Charter, elected officials are allowed to claim the costs incurred while they are representing the corporation, engaging in municipal business or attending a meeting, course or convention.

In total, the 2010 expense allowance for Delta's elected officials was $137,343.72.


Councillors' earnings and expenses for 2010:

- Coun. Robert

Campbell: $31,112.30 in salary and $3,913.69 in expenses.

- Coun. Scott Hamilton: $31,112.30 in salary and $10,081.37 in expenses

- Coun. Heather King: $31,112.30 in salary and $5,384.90 in expenses

- Coun. Bruce McDonald: $31,112.30 in salary and $4,621.89 in expenses

- Coun. Ian Paton: $7,961 in salary and $2,144.08 in expenses

- Coun. Anne Peterson: $31,112.30 in salary and $4,993.35 in expenses

- The late Coun. George Hawksworth: $7,462.02 in salary.