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Delta council gives staff more authority

Planning staff note the bylaw update also supports recently announced provincial initiatives
The updates are mainly aimed at accelerating the construction of homes and other projects, but other applications will also no longer need council’s approval. Sandor Gyarmati photo

Delta council recently approved a development variance permit to allow for the installation of five freestanding signs at an industrial site on River way, but such applications will soon not have to get council’s blessing.

That’s because council has also approved further streamlining at municipal hall with a new development application procedure bylaw.

The previous bylaw was adopted in 1992 and planning staff proposed several updates to modernize and streamline development and other applications.

The changes further increase delegation of authority for development permits and provide for new delegation of authority to staff for minor development variance permits, consistent with recent changes in provincial legislation.

Several other changes are to simplify application requirements and enhance bylaw clarity.

The changes include, among other things, requiring public notice signs only for a limited number of application types such as Official Community Plan and zoning bylaw amendments, as well as eliminating the requirement for mail notification for development permit applications, which are generally of a more technical nature.

Among the other changes include staff having the authority to issue heritage alternation permits without having to go through council, as well as issuing or amending minor development variance permits, which could include varying height, setbacks, lot coverage and off-street parking requirements.

Staff can also issue or amend temporary use permits as well as variances to the sign bylaw.