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Delta Police: Fines not being issued for travelling outside of health region

Police are not pulling drivers over and handing out fines for traveling into different health regions
covid travel fines  - sandor photo
Fines being issued for travelling outside of your health region is simply not true says Delta Police. Photo by Sandor Gyarmati

No, the police aren’t pulling drivers over and handing out fines for traveling into different health regions.

That’s according to Delta police spokesperson Cris Leykauf, who responded to a recent column in the Optimist by Ingrid Abbott, as well as subsequent comments on social media, alleging a Vancouver police officer pulled over a Tsawwassen resident in Vancouver and handed her a hefty fine for traveling outside her health region.

Leykauf told the Optimist she discussed the allegation with the VPD and they confirmed they do not give out that type of ticket.

Delta’s inspector in charge of front line operations confirms he is not aware of any provisions under the COVID-19 Related Measures Act that would give police authority to issue tickets in the circumstances outlined in the column, noted Leykauf.

While recognizing that the rapid changes with COVID-19 have made it confusing for many, Delta police want to ensure people have the right information, she added.

The provincial health officer had given new restrictions that all events and social gatherings are suspended to significantly reduce COVID-19 transmission related to social interactions and travel.

The order, in effect until Dec. 7, did not stipulate any fines for people traveling to other health regions.