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Delta police K-9 unit apprehends Grinch

A would-be thief in Ladner was no match for a Delta police K-9 unit this week.

A would-be thief in Ladner was no match for a Delta police K-9 unit this week.

With the Christmas shopping season in full swing, police are reminding shoppers to lock their vehicles and keep valuables and Christmas purchases out of sight from thieves.

"Any items in your car are unfortunately an invite to the Grinches that lurk about to steal from you," said a release on the Delta Police Department Facebook page. "We are out there 24/7, but can't be all places at once, so let's work together. Call us if you see anyone that appears suspicious in your neighbourhoods and hopefully we can get the Grinch(s) in custody."

Thanks to alert citizens, the police, along with a K-9 unit, did just that last Sunday.

Citizens reported males trying doors of vehicles in the South Delta area.

"While DPD (including a K-9) officers were responding, more information came from a citizen letting police know that two males stole their neighbour's truck. Police saw the vehicle and attempted to stop it, but it fled ending up down a dead-end street."

Police found the vehicle shortly after the suspects fled on foot with the K-9 officer and police service dog Dezi in hot pursuit.

"The suspected Grinch did give Dezi good exercise running through yards and jumping fences," said the release.

"Still unwilling to surrender to police and after a little hide and seek, Dezi found the Grinch in the bramble bushes. After a stop at the hospital for some stitches, Grinch was released on a promise to appear in court."

Recommended charges might include: theft from auto, possession of stolen property, flight from police and obstruction.