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Food for thought

Sitting patiently in the line up, I was dreaming about the yummy breakfast I would soon enjoy. My eyes were treated to a marvelous sunny morning in beautiful South Delta.

Sitting patiently in the line up, I was dreaming about the yummy breakfast I would soon enjoy. My eyes were treated to a marvelous sunny morning in beautiful South Delta. As I pulled up to the "payment ready" window, my friend at the till said, "The lady in front of you already paid for your breakfast!" It was a simple gift - buying my breakfast - but it reminded me that when we act out of selfless love we are following the example of Jesus. When the world seems to be turning to grief and violence, remember that many of us want to make a difference by living in the example of Jesus. That is the true expression of Easter resurrection.

On that first day of the week when the women went to the tomb - they found it empty. Was that enough to convince them? The angelic beings in the tomb said, "He is risen!" Was that what turned their hearts to believe that Jesus was risen?

I'm convinced that it was how people's lives were changed following that first day - how they worked to share, bring justice and peace to everyone, not just a favoured few. They lived with selfless love and joy - that's resurrection!

As I pulled away from the till, I tooted and waved, but that seemed too little an expression of thankfulness, so I'm hoping the guy behind me wasn't having several "full-meal deals." I continued the resurrection joy and bought his dinner too.