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Hannah's Heroes Fall Fundraiser to fund brain cancer research

A local charity founded in honour of a young Tsawwassen girl is holding its annual fall fundraiser later this month. The fifth annual Hannah's Heroes Fall Fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 19 at the Beach Grove Golf Club.

A local charity founded in honour of a young Tsawwassen girl is holding its annual fall fundraiser later this month.

The fifth annual Hannah's Heroes Fall Fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 19 at the Beach Grove Golf Club.

The foundation was established in 2006 in honour of Hannah Hatlen. In the fall of 2005, Hannah, who was just four years old at the time, was diagnosed with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG), a tumor that grows in the brain stem.

She died a year later at five years old.

DIPG only strikes young children - usually those between the ages of four and 10 - and survival is non-existent. Most die within a year.

Because of the location and the nature of DIPG tumors, surgery is not an option; the disease is mostly resistant to traditional chemotherapy and other treatments.

All of the proceeds will go to the B.C. Child and Family Research Institute to help fight children's brain cancers.

The annual event includes dinner, dancing and an auction.

Tickets cost $35 and can be purchased at The Run Inn, Lucky Surf and Skate or at www.hannahsheroes. com.

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