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Happy Labour Day from the BCGEU

Each Labour Day, we celebrate the incredible gains that workers have made by building strong unions and standing together in solidarity.
Photo submitted Stephanie Smith is president of the BCGEU.

Each Labour Day, we celebrate the incredible gains that workers have made by building strong unions and standing together in solidarity. We all know the famous victories like weekends, pensions, eight-hour shifts, workers’ compensation, paid vacations, sick days, and parental leave.

Beyond these well-known milestones, there are hundreds of lesser-known victories happening every year – at the bargaining table, through occupational health and safety committees, on the shop floor and in our communities.

The lesson in all these stories is that workers standing together can win against incredible odds.

Working people are facing a number of big challenges these days: a rising cost of living, out-of-control housing costs, worker shortages, and an uncertain economic outlook.

To face these challenges, we need unions more than ever. And I’m proud to say that our union has never been stronger.

This year, the BCGEU has welcomed over 1,000 new members, bringing our total membership to over 85,000 strong. We’ve trained hundreds of new activists and held countless events across the province.

Our union is ready to face whatever comes our way with the same determination, solidarity and unity that fueled our past victories.

Happy Labour Day!