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Improvements coming at Delta intersection

City of Delta trying to upgrade traffic control signal and devices
Progress Way and 72 Street intersection
Delta is undertaking a series of improvements at several intersection locations.

Delta council recently awarded a $330,000 contract for signal improvements at the 72nd Street at Progress Way Traffic intersection.

The city’s engineering department notes the work includes the installation of traffic signals, concrete sidewalks and let-downs, pedestrian push buttons, street lighting and asphalt paving.

The work also includes the widening and road realignment of the east bound lane on Progress Way, which will improve the traffic turning movements and overall road safety for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.

The work is part of a current program involving road repaving at several locations. It’s also part of a program for the design, upgrading and installation of traffic signal improvements, pre-emption systems for emergency vehicles, uninterruptible power supply, traffic cameras and replacement of traffic signal controllers. That program will also include installation of traffic control devices, signals, lighting, barriers and gates to resolve traffic-related issues.

The program included traffic signal improvements on 120th Street, in partnership with the City of Surrey, at Nordel Way and at 86th Avenue.

Improvements will also include the new traffic signal on 72nd Street at Progress Way, as well as new traffic cameras at high volume locations, traffic signal equipment upgrades, design of a new traffic signal at 86th Avenue and 116th Street, a left turn signal at 75A Avenue and 120th Street, as well as railway signal modifications on River Road near Centre Street.