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Jackson won't seek another Metro term

Even if she's re-elected Saturday, mayor says her time as chair of regional district board is coming to an end

Mayor Lois Jackson will soon be relinquishing her duties as chairperson of Metro Vancouver.

Saying she made the decision a while ago not to seek another term on the regional board, even if re-elected mayor of Delta on Saturday, Jackson told the Optimist she was happy to have served the important role for the last six years.

"We've done a lot of work and I am very happy to have served all those people. Now it's somebody else's turn. I really wanted to get these big plans done, especially the regional growth strategy, which was very, very difficult."

Jackson was at the helm as the regional district finally adopted a new livable region plan, which had last been updated in the mid-1990s.

Metro Vancouver also has other regional plans, including an ambitious new solid waste management plan that was years in the making.

"Now the action takes place on all these plans and I'll leave that to others," she said.

When first elected chair in 2005, Jackson oversaw a number of changes to the committee structure of the regional district.

She's also been a strong advocate for Metro Vancouver having more of a say over transportation planning, now controlled by TransLink, arguing that regional planning for growth and transportation should go hand-in-hand.

She recently voted against a supplemental funding plan proposed by TransLink, but that plan was approved thanks to a weighted vote by the region's mayors.

Jackson said she isn't prepared to endorse anyone for the chairperson position, noting the makeup of the Metro Vancouver board could look much different following the municipal elections.

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