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Ladner youngster shares tales through his books

Shaggy Dog Feels Worried is Toby Kofoed's latest story
Ladner’s Toby Kofoed with his new book Shaggy Dog Feels Worried.

A Ladner six-year-old is writing and illustrating his own books.

Toby Kofoed's latest effort, Shaggy Dog Feels Worried, came out earlier this month.

Shaggy Dog is worried about "going to the park and playing with other dogs," said Toby, who turns seven next month.

The story is about how Shaggy Dog overcomes his worries.

"I like drawing the pictures," Toby said when asked what he liked best about the 20-page book.

He worked on the book for about three days, all day long, said his mother Tracey.

"The story is all his own," she said.

Toby wrote his first book, Le gentil mechant loup (The kind mean wolf), in French. That one, which includes an English translation, was done in November.

Both of his books are $15 and can be purchased online at