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Letters: My dog is traumatized by unleashed dogs

Richmond News letter writer wonders why dog owners don’t keep their dogs under control.
There are several dog parks around Richmond including off-leash areas. Richmond News file photo

Dear Editor,

Why do some owners have dogs if they don’t leash them?

Do the owners think they are exempt from leashing their dogs?

I don’t know the answer to those two questions.

I do know how traumatic it has been for my leashed dog and me when an unleashed dog dominates her, charges her and attacks her.

There is no accountability to this stressful, unnecessary harm.

If people are going to have a dog, it needs to be leashed, especially around other dogs.

The City of Richmond has many off-leash dog parks to play in.

I hope my dog and I will be left alone from owners who continue to walk their dog unleashed.

The law is there for a reason to keep the peace.

Lauri Kason


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