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North Delta outdoor pool will not be covered

The review found significant limitations by renovating the current infrastructure
Not designed for current competition standards, the outdoor pool was originally constructed in 1970.

The city won’t pursue adding a cover for the outdoor pool at the North Delta Recreation Centre.

Council this week agreed with a staff recommendation following a review of the challenges and costs of adding a cover for the pool.

It was originally constructed in 1970 with improvements to change rooms, storage, mechanical systems, and partial deck replacement implemented in 2019 as part of the North Delta Recreation Centre expansion.

Several options were outlined, but all would be in the $10 million range.

Several challenges were also noted including building on top of the existing tank and in-ground mechanical would limit the expected lifespan of a renovation.

The report added it is expected that the lifespan of an upgrade would be roughly 20 years, rather than the typical expected lifespan of 50-plus years for a new build.

Councillors Rod Binder and Dylan Kruger noted they had been initially in favour of having a cover but that has changed with the new information presented.

Mayor George Harvie said the city will need to look into further amenity improvements for North Delta in the capital plan over the next five years.

He added that, like the Winskill Aquatic and Fitness Centre facility, the cost for having a new pool would be the same as renovating the old one.