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Police implement traffic safety program

Everyone reminded to do their part to keep roads safe as students head back to school in just a few days

With the first day of school just a few days away, police are this week reminding everyone to do their part to keep Delta roads safe.

"The Delta police are hopeful everyone will do their part to ensure the safety of our young people as they return to their studies," said Delta police spokesperson Sgt. Sharlene Brooks.

With that in mind and moving towards the goal of making Delta's roads the safest in the province, the department is implementing its Walk-Ride-Drive Back to School Traffic Safety Plan.

"With the school year starting Sept. 6, the safety of those traveling by foot, bike or vehicle is paramount," Brooks said. "The focus will be on education and creating road safety awareness to influence change, making our roads safer for everyone."

Officers will focus efforts on increasing the safety of everyone through a variety of strategies, Brooks said. The department will utilize a number of different resources including the Community Police Stations and their volunteers, patrol officers and the traffic and school liaison units.

"There will be concentrated efforts on road safety issues throughout Delta and all school zones will be primary target areas."

Here are a few safety tips for the motoring public, pedestrians and cyclists to help reduce the potential of injury and carnage on Delta roadways:

Motorists: . slow down; be aware of your surroundings

. avoid distractions while the vehicle is in motion

. buckle up

. ensure all kids are in proper child safety seats

. allow yourself sufficient travel time to reach your destination safely

. for those picking up and dropping off students, remember to follow school identified drop off and pick up procedures at your respective schools

Pedestrians: . when crossing the road do so in a marked crosswalk

. make direct eye contact with the driver to ensure you have been seen prior to stepping into the crosswalk

. check all lanes of traffic before proceeding through the crosswalk to ensure it is safe to cross all lanes

. wear light coloured and/ or reflective clothing

Motorcyclists/cyclists . wear a helmet . wear reflective gear . remember, motorcycles/ bicycles are hard to see

"Whether you are walking, riding or driving, be aware and take care on our roadways for everyone's sake," Brooks said.

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