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Taking Mother's Day gift into her own hands

Chocolate, flowers and cards are nice but all this mom wants is a break from sweeping

Mother's Day has come and gone, but I'd still like one more gift.

Sure, flowers are terrific, as are boxes of chocolates and coupons for the spa. Nothing better than brunch with the fam and barbecues on the deck and cards that say how special I am.

But, hey, can't stop thinking about that smart little thingamajig I've seen on TV.

You know: the sweet, round gizmo that scoots around the house, ingesting dog hair and bread crumbs and bits and pieces of crackers.

"I want one of those," I told the husband. "It's adorable."

The husband peered at the screen.

"What is it?" he asked. "It's a tiny vacuum," I said. "A vacuum you don't have to touch."

This is my kind of cleaner. It's not like a broom, which you actually have to manoeuvre.

It's not like a duster, which you actually have to hold in your hand.

Nope. This thing is hands free and has a mind of its own - or something rather like it.

"Just think," I said. "This little contraption does the work by itself, while we do other things. You know, like watch Property Brothers."

I am, let's just say, a

Property Brothers addict - but that's another story.

Point is, I have better things to do than vacuum.

Heaven knows, I'd rather read a magazine or play solitaire.

Or sit and stare into space.

In a perfect world, this darling little vacuuming robot would step it up a notch and do more than suck up dust bunnies.

In a perfect world, it would, oh, clean the Venetian blinds and turn on the dishwasher and scrub down the oven. Programmed appropriately,

I see no reason why the cute gadget couldn't clean out the fridge, sort the laundry and weed the garden.

Hey, if we can place a rover on Mars, can't we also have one clean the grout in the shower?

Don't get me wrong: I'm not the lazy sort.

But the fact is, despite the gains women have made over the years, I still do the bulk of the housework.

The husband tends to make the bed, but I'm the one with the mop.

Mother's Day is behind us, but I'm going to get myself a gift.

For once, I'd rather not sweep the floor, but watch a robot do it.