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The Green get-away

Vacations. We daydream about them. We work hard for them. We aspire to be on them. Going on a green vacation isn't hard to do, it just takes a bit of planning.

Vacations. We daydream about them. We work hard for them. We aspire to be on them. Going on a green vacation isn't hard to do, it just takes a bit of planning.

Here are a few tips to consider for your next vacation, and just how you can avoid taking your environmental footprint with you:

Choosing a Destination How about staying close to home this summer?

Become a tourist in your own city. Visit your local tourist information centre and be surprised at what you can discover and do on your home turf. There are likely parks and museums you haven't visited, restaurants you haven't tried, a local festival or two to take in.

If you choose to go away, travel to places that are doing their bit for the environment. Search a directory of destinations at Planeta. com.

Where to Stay Once you know where you're going, look for accommodations that are environmentally friendly. Check their websites or call or e-mail to get more details on their environmental, employment and cultural policies. You can also check out the Green Hotels Association. Here are some questions you can ask before booking:

. Does the accommodation try to reduce water and energy consumption (i.e. energy efficient lighting and low-flow showers)?

. Does the accommodation have a recycling and composting program?

. Is the accommodation somewhere you can get to from the airport or train station without having to rent a car?

. Are you close to everything you want to see so that you can walk, cycle or use public transport to get around?

Before Leaving You're not the only one in need of a vacation; your house and its variety of power-draining appliances could use a little down time too. Before leaving, make sure to:

. Turn water heater to "Vacation" or lowest setting.

. Turn off AC/heat or adjust the thermostat to protect plants, etc.

. Turn your water off at the outside connection (to prevent flooding should a pipe break).

. Unplug appliances, such as TVs and cable converter boxes, as they can draw as much as 40 watts per hour even when they're off.

Pack Light Don't bring more than you need. It adds weight to whatever means of transportation you use, requiring more energy, and it also adds weight to what you have to carry.

Trains Instead of Planes Trains emit much less pollution and can carry more passengers than aircraft. Using the train network is a viable option, especially if journeying city-to-city within Canada or to the U.S.

Be a Green Guest . Keep your showers short, and turn off the water while you're brushing your teeth.

. When you leave the room, turn off the air conditioning, heat, television, lights or any other electric devices.