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Delta throwback: Condos a dilemma

Since the boom in home construction during the 1960s, Delta’s housing stock has been largely defined by single-detached dwellings
Many new single-family homes were constructed by the time an application to build Delta's first condo project in Ladner made it to a public hearing. Council agreed public hearings should be held earlier.

Let’s go back to March 1969 to check out construction of Delta’s very first condominium project on 57A Street in Ladner.

It was reported that homeowners in the area attempted to block passage of a rezoning amendment for the 26-unit project.

Most of the opponents were also new to the area.

Costing $18,500 each, the first condo units were expected to be ready that summer.

The project compelled Delta council that year to change the municipality’s procedures so that public hearings for rezoning applications would be held earlier.

Ald. Ernie Bexley recommended the new procedure.

By the time approval was granted, many single-family dwellings were constructed in the area and there was considerable opposition voiced by the people occupying the newly constructed homes.

“Had the planning department been aware of the rapid development of single-family dwellings, they could have advised the mayor and council to this effect,” said Bexley.