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Truck is seen fleeing after colliding with Jeep

The following are some of the calls of interest the Delta police responded to in the South Delta area between Tuesday, Jan. 17 and Sunday, Jan. 22: Tsawwassen . January 19, 7: 53 a.m.

The following are some of the calls of interest the Delta police responded to in the South Delta area between Tuesday, Jan. 17 and Sunday, Jan. 22:


. January 19, 7: 53 a.m., 1100-block of 56th Street: Complainant reported that sometime overnight a bottle was thrown through the front window of the restaurant. The window was smashed, but no entry appeared to be gained.

Bottle seized for identification.

. January 20, 3: 41 p.m., 1700-block of Tsawwassen Drive: Report received that a male was breaking into a camper van and attempting to scrap the vehicle. Police responded and the park owner claimed the camper was abandoned and the previous tenant owed her money. Another resident indicated the tenant was still living in the trailer.

Police investigating the situation.

. January 20, 11: 38 a.m., 1100-block of 56th Street: Police were informed of a theft of meat from a supermarket. The suspect is described as a white male, six feet tall, medium build, wearing black jacket and pants, and a hat. Investigation is on going.

. January 20, 10: 41 a.m., 1400-bock of 55th Street: Complainant reported that her unlocked vehicle parked in the driveway had been entered overnight. Nothing stolen but contents of glove compartment and console were emptied onto the seat.

. January 20, 9: 21 a.m., 1300-block of 56th Street: Suspect entered the liquor store and selected five bottles valued at $225, concealed them in a cardboard box and left the store without payment.

Employee identified the suspect and police will review the video surveillance and continue investigation.

. January 21, 11: 49 a.m., 7400-block of Wilson Drive: The owner of the container service reported the valtag had been stolen from an International tractor. No surveillance or suspects.

. January 22, 1: 13 a.m., 4900-block of 56th Street: A report was received that a grey pickup truck had collided with a parked Jeep.

The pickup then fled the scene, leaving tire marks on the frosty road. Witnesses provided police with a description and licence plate number of the suspect vehicle.

. January 22, 1: 47 a.m., 4800-block of 11A Avenue: Police responded to a report of a noisy party. A warning and information was given concerning the noise bylaw to the home renter who was cooperative with police. No charges.


. January 17, 6: 46 p.m., Ladner Trunk Road and Highway 17: A report was received of a panhandler on the median. Police responded and spoke to the suspect who was attempting to get money for food. Police advised the suspect it was unsafe to be in the middle of a busy highway and to move to the sidewalk. The suspect was cooperative and left the highway.

. January 18, 2: 02 p.m., 7800-block of Vantage Way: A transport company reported three load levelers had been stolen from the yard. Complainant indicated he had locked the yard when he left but found it to be unlocked when he arrived in the morning.

Several drivers have access to the yard. No signs of forced entry.

. January 20, 6: 24 p.m., 5300-block of Ladner Trunk Road: Complainant reported someone had attempted to use her stolen Mastercard at a local clothing store.

Staff provided audio and video surveillance to police of an unknown couple attempting to use the credit card.