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Tsaw. break-in interrupted by resident

Delta police report that a woman in Tsawwassen likely interrupted a break-in last Friday.

Delta police report that a woman in Tsawwassen likely interrupted a break-in last Friday.

Officers responded to a home in the 1300-block of Hunter Road after a resident reported that upon arriving home she heard the back door of the home close and, as she proceeded into the house, she heard the back gate close as well.

As she walked through the house, the woman noticed two drawers in the master bedroom had been ransacked, although it appeared that nothing was taken.

The woman did not see the suspect and officers who canvassed the neighbourhood were met with negative results.

The incident is still under investigation.

On Monday, residents called police after a motorcycle crashed into some bushes near 12th Avenue and English Bluff Road.

Upon arrival, officers located the driver, who admitted he had consumed alcohol. The driver failed a breath test and was issued an immediate 90-day roadside prohibition and had his motorcycle impounded for 30 days.

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