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City urged to improve dangerous Tsawwassen intersection

Long-time South Delta resident Doug Massey is hoping the city will take action to alleviate what he describes as a dangerous situation along 12 th Avenue in Tsawwassen.
A resident contends there's a dangerous situation where Ferguson and Hunter roads meet 12th Avenue.

Long-time South Delta resident Doug Massey is hoping the city will take action to alleviate what he describes as a dangerous situation along 12th Avenue in Tsawwassen.

At issue is where Ferguson and Hunter roads meet 12th Avenue, an intersection where Massey believes a signal is needed. He said a left-turn signal needs to be installed for those attempting to turn left from Ferguson Road onto 12th Avenue before a serious injury or death occurs.

Massey noted traffic volume is not the problem. He has met with engineering staff and recently gathered a 174-name petition.

“It is my understanding that this one of the first controlled lighted intersections in the former Delta municipality and is long overdue for an update. Also proposals to build more multiple housing units on Hunter Road needs to be considered as they too are attempting to make a safe right turn onto 12th Avenue at the same time as we are attempting to make a left turn onto 12th Avenue. There are already in excess of 100 housing units in the Hunter Road area,” Massey wrote to council.

“We hope that you will see fit to make the necessary corrections to this intersection before someone is seriously injured or killed.”

In a response note to Delta council, staff say they met with Massey and are currently reviewing the intersection sightlines as part of a safety review. His correspondence has been referred to the transportation technical committee for further consideration.