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How did you spend your snow day?

With the heavy snow and tough road conditions, many chose to stay at home on Wednesday. The Optimist asked readers on its Facebook page how they spent their ‘snow day.
Snow Day
Delta police and volunteers were out on the 'snow day' Wednesday helping to clear driveways and sidewalks.

With the heavy snow and tough road conditions, many chose to stay at home on Wednesday.

The Optimist asked readers on its Facebook page how they spent their ‘snow day.’

Here are some of their responses:

Many took to the hill at Diefenbaker Park for a day of sledding and building snowmen, while others sat at home with a cup of tea or hot chocolate and a good book.

Others took to their kitchen baking cookies or preparing some meals for the winter months ahead or hanging out with their kids as all public and private schools in Delta were closed.

Those that did venture out were shoveling their driveways or out helping others dig out.

There were a few that did take to the roads to get to work.

“I was in traffic for over four hours this morning in Vancouver and Burnaby and didn’t see one snow plow,” wrote Cory Rainbow. “As soon as I came through the tunnel I saw a City of Delta plow right away. Way to go Delta.”

Roger Emsley also praised City of Delta workers for their snow clearing efforts.

“Had to go out for an appointment,” said Emsley. “Delta has done an excellent job to keep its roads clear. Whomever is responsible for Highway 17 and 17A are doing a poor job.”