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Air cadets are deserving of same treatment

Editor: It is wonderful the Delta school district is giving space to the new regiment of Seaforth Highlanders Army Cadets, but what about the air cadets already in Delta? The 828 Hurricane Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets must pay $8,000 or more to


It is wonderful the Delta school district is giving space to the new regiment of Seaforth Highlanders Army Cadets, but what about the air cadets already in Delta?

The 828 Hurricane Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets must pay $8,000 or more to use the South Delta Recreation Centre and other facilities. This money is all fundraised by the cadets, parents and staff.

The cadets of this squadron have been contributing in community service to South Delta for 40 years. I proudly watched them provide the colour party at the Concert of Remembrance by the Delta Music Makers last Sunday and provide the honour guard at the cenotaph year after year on Remembrance Day.

My own sons have all benefited from the training programs, education, camaraderie and self-discipline engendered by this outstanding program. One son became an aircraft technician as a direct result of his air cadet participation.

The squadron has struggled for many years, despite its excellent service to our youth. To have free facilities, such as were given to the brand new army cadet regiment, would ensure that 828 Squadron will thrive and continue to provide an excellent educational program for our youth and community service for Delta.

C. Jantzen