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Aircraft noise just a fact of life in South Delta

Editor: Re: Noisy jets still flying over Tsawwassen, letter to the editor, July 3 I just love reading the glass half empty types from Tsawwassen. The latest from J.K. Nybo. My goodness, planes flying over causing such distress.


Re: Noisy jets still flying over Tsawwassen, letter to the editor, July 3

I just love reading the glass half empty types from Tsawwassen. The latest from J.K. Nybo. My goodness, planes flying over causing such distress. Did it occur to the writer that this is a fact of life in this neck of the woods?

Here in Ladner, we too have aircraft flying over, from light aircraft to jumbo jets. It lasts a minute or so and then peace and quiet returns.

It tells me that our economy is healthy and vibrant. Don't sweat the small stuff, just enjoy life and stop whining.

E. Tempest