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Another unwelcome cat

Editor: Re: Cat is an unwelcome visitor, letter to the editor, July 11 I sympathize with Kirsti Mattson as I too suffer the messy results from a cat in our neighbourhood (9A Avenue at 53rd Street) that follows mine through its access point to my home


Re: Cat is an unwelcome visitor, letter to the editor, July 11

I sympathize with Kirsti Mattson as I too suffer the messy results from a cat in our neighbourhood (9A Avenue at 53rd Street) that follows mine through its access point to my home and terrorizes it.

Recently I came in and it looks like they had an excrement fight in the bathroom and there is fur all over the place (my cat's, not the bigger, aggressive beast that attacks my smaller cat constantly).

Previously, I asked around the neighbours to see if anyone knew who it belongs to and since I learned nothing from them, I called the animal rescue service that picked up the cat, took it away, discovered it had a tattoo in its ear and returned it to the owners the same day.

The cat returned to our patio door that evening.

The staff at the animal rescue place would not give me the phone number of the owners and I asked them to get the owners to call me, which they did not do, so the saga continues.

Mattson might like to invest in an accessory that allows her cats in and out but not any other animal not wearing the collar with the signalling device on it. I am going to investigate this item myself as I just learned of it a few days ago.

Otherwise, I think I'll need to give my cat to someone outside of my neighbourhood so she isn't traumatized any further.

Karel Ley