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Any further loss of agricultural land will be opposed

Editor: Re: Alarm sounded over the lack of industrial land, Aug. 3 It seems we are once more being urged to allow destruction of farmland for industrial purposes. We are encouraged to fear certain loss of jobs if we don't do this.


Re: Alarm sounded over the lack of industrial land, Aug. 3

It seems we are once more being urged to allow destruction of farmland for industrial purposes. We are encouraged to fear certain loss of jobs if we don't do this.

We know better, thanks to local citizens like Roger Emsley [], Donna Passmore and Harold Steves of the Farmland Defense League of B.C., Anne Murray, Mary Taitt and Susan Jones.

We know there is no need for a second terminal at Deltaport and the results of building it would be disastrous for people and wildlife.

We know we don't have sufficient farmland for food security and must save every piece that we can. We know that serious drought in regions we have imported food from is causing high prices and that shortages will follow.

We know that farming sustainably will produce more jobs. We know the Pacific Flyway for migratory birds is too important to lose and we have not even begun to find ways to develop eco-tourism as other communities have.

We are not fooled by fear mongering and will oppose further loss of farmland.

Wilma Haig