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Arrogant dog owners ignore law

Editor: Re: Owners shouldn't walk their dogs at the cemetery, letter to the editor, Dec. 9 Bart Mann's complaint is well taken, but easily explained. The reason is simple: all dog owners are illiterate and cannot read.


Re: Owners shouldn't walk their dogs at the cemetery, letter to the editor, Dec. 9

Bart Mann's complaint is well taken, but easily explained. The reason is simple: all dog owners are illiterate and cannot read.

I have yet to visit any park in the Lower Mainland and not see dogs off-leash in spite of signs clearly stating that dogs are required to be on-leash at all times.

I have witnessed on more than one occasion in Boundary Bay Regional Park ladies unleashing their dogs directly beneath a large sign stating that dogs must be on a leash.

Dog owners display an alarming sense of arrogance as they blatantly ignore the law and common sense.

Bill Teague