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As kids get older, it's time to rethink Christmas tradition

It seemed like a great idea at the time. When our son was born, for his first Christmas we got him a huge stocking. We had a lot of fun putting him in it and taking pictures.

It seemed like a great idea at the time.

When our son was born, for his first Christmas we got him a huge stocking. We had a lot of fun putting him in it and taking pictures. I guess that's just what new parents have to do - it must be written in a handbook somewhere.

As he gained siblings, we had to make sure they got the BIG stocking as well. Now you can hardly see our mantle on Christmas Eve as these monster stockings cover it. Mine tends to get lost somewhere around the edge.

I didn't think it was too much of a problem, until I found a little note on Christmas morning: Dear Brad:

It's time to rethink these stockings you have for your kids.

When they were young, I could see why you liked the big stockings. Bet you weren't thinking about them growing up much?

Back then, the presents they asked for were no problem - I could barely fit two gifts in those things.

They were probably more interested in the box that held the toy more than the toy itself! Ho, ho, ho! I love that - all the work the elves go to and the kids are more interested in the packaging! That one doesn't go over very well in the workshop, let me tell you.

But that was more then 10 years ago, and your children's tastes have changed - have you noticed that?

They grew up, so you can't fit them into the stocking any more, can you?

The things they are asking for are getting smaller. A lot smaller. And much more complicated for the elves to build. Have you ever looked at how much it takes to make those sleeping bags you call stockings look full?

Next year, let's make sure we are setting a few expectations. First, a big bag of chips is an acceptable stocking stuffer. As is hot chocolate. (We'll keep that Costco membership for the time being, OK?) Second, leave a few newspapers beside the cookies and milk so I can bulk-up some of the gifts they are asking for. You'll be recycling the papers anyway, let's get some extra entertainment value out of them. Finally, one day you'll be grandparents - don't even think about buying the grandkids one of these things. One generation is enough.

Let's not let gifts and stockings get in the way of what's really important this time of year. Gifts come and go, so enjoy what you have, and remember that others might not be as lucky. The best gift is helping someone who could use a hand. It may not fill that cavern of a stocking, but it will fill someone else's life.

I'll be by next year. Can you leave out some more Rice Krispie squares? Dasher loves those.

Ho Ho Ho!

Santa Claus

As we approach a new year, with all that we have going on around us here and around the world, take a moment to be grateful for what you have in your life, and not dwell on what others may have. Family, friends and living in the best place on earth is much better than anything that fills up a stocking. Even a huge one.

All the best for 2012!