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Blog: Delta birders visit Iona Regional Park

About 25 DNCBers enjoyed another beautiful, and productive, Wednesday (Sept. 19) morning at Iona Regional Park. Check out the photo evidence on our Flickr site at: .
Pectoral Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper

About 25 DNCBers enjoyed another beautiful, and productive, Wednesday (Sept. 19) morning at Iona Regional Park. Check out the photo evidence on our Flickr site at:


Some left Petra’s at 7:30 a.m. and met me and others at 8:15 a.m. at the Iona parking lot. Some highlights of the walk included: meeting some neat Toronto visitors and other newbies, watching the Wild Research bird banders in operation and seeing warblers and sparrows really up-close-and-personal, wandering the sewage ponds and identifying several shorebird and duck species. Lunch at the Flying Beaver was apparently a real treat with Marilyn Monroe as the waitress (I missed lunch as I had my first Wednesday Noon Hockey).


White-Crowned Sparrow
White-Crowned Sparrow - Terrance Carr


Some Sightings in no particular order included: either Willow Flycatcher or Western Wood-Pewee, Warblers (Common Yellowthroat, Wilson’s, Yellow, Yellow-rumped, some with leg bands), Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Long-billed Dowitchers, lots of Pectoral Sandpipers, Spotted Sandpiper, Killdeer, flock of Peeps (Westerns?), Ducks (Northern Shovelers, Northern Pintail, Gadwall, Green-winged Teal, American Wigeon, Mallards), American Coots, Common Loon, Sparrows (Fox, Song, White-crowned, Savannah, Lincoln’s), Finches (House, American Goldfinch), Gulls (California, Ring-billed, Glaucous-winged), Marsh Wrens, Anna’s Hummingbirds, Raptors (Red-tailed Hawk, Bald Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, Northern Harrier), Northern Flicker & Downy Woodpecker, Caspian Terns, Barn & Tree Swallows and perhaps a lingering Purple Martin, Pine Siskins(?). We saw other stuff, but I forget, and I don’t mention common stuff like Redwing Blackbirds, Towhees, Herons, Crows, Cormorants, Starlings, Doves. Peter C had Western Meadowlarks and Lapland Longspur on the jetty.


The 25 were: Terry, Roger & Mikie B, Guru Anne M, Richmond Brian & Louise, newbie Richmonders Paul & Carol R, Langley Bob McC, Bird Box Team Chris McV & Jim K & Mike B2,  Roy (Thanks for carrying Scope) & Solveig, Kirsten W, time-challenged Margaretha & Gabriele, reliable David & Noreen, North Deltan Pat (w/o sister Maureen), North Van Richard H, fleeting member Peter C, and newbie Toronto visitor Brian R & his Vancouver sister Mavis, and me.


There was lots of neat chatter; we got back to the parking lot around 11:30 a.m. when some went home, some continued birding, some went to the Flying Beaver, and I went to hockey. A grand DNCB outing.

Note that DNCB outings move to Tuesdays effective October 2. 


As always, your comments are encouraged. Cheers: Tom


Tom Bearss, President, Delta Naturalists Society