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Borrowing page from neighbour

I had to laugh, in an envious kind of way, at a City of Richmond press release issued earlier this month announcing plans to spend almost $80 million to construct an aquatic centre and a seniors centre in Minoru Park.

I had to laugh, in an envious kind of way, at a City of Richmond press release issued earlier this month announcing plans to spend almost $80 million to construct an aquatic centre and a seniors centre in Minoru Park.

It wasn't so much the idea of our neighbours to the north getting new facilities given we've already got some good ones here, but rather it was the notion of taking advantage of low interest rates, reallocation of debt repayments and casino revenues to provide those amenities without any increases to property taxes.

Delta's pay-as-you-go policy for capital projects is laudable, and it has shrunk municipal debt to miniscule levels (as is the case in Richmond), but the approach precludes those really big ticket items that could make a big difference in the community.

I'm not suggesting we go out and build $80 million worth of recreation facilities, but even the $10 million or so it would take to buy the remainder of Paterson Park is looked upon as beyond our fiscal reach. That's too bad.

Speaking of Paterson Park, the vision recently unveiled by the Delta Seniors Planning Team certainly deserves some scrutiny by civic officials. In case you missed it, the proposal calls for a variety of housing (for all ages and income levels) as well as a health care facility, shops and restaurants, community gardens and more.

There have been a variety of suggested uses over the years for the centuryold harness racetrack at the entrance to Ladner, and this is simply another one, but what I like about it is the fact it attempts to implement some of the recommendations put forth by Delta's Housing Task Force.

There's an old joke about government being able to stop an issue in its tracks by having a task force study it, so here's an opportunity to actually act on what those we tasked with looking into Delta's housing situation concluded.

What's coming out of those water fountains at South Delta Secondary? Congratulations have to go to the Tsawwassen high school's athletic teams, which have reached impressive heights this fall.

The field hockey team made it all the way to the provincial final, the defending provincial champion football team bowed out in the semi-finals this time and the volleyball team is the overwhelming favourite to capture its second straight B.C. crown this week in Penticton. Way to go Sun Devils!