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Can we trust the government to follow through on 10 per cent HST promises?

Editor: Re: Government following Huntington on new tax, letter to the editor, July 6 John Connor writes, "Now that it (the HST) is to become 10 per cent... we can say Huntington was right on the mark.


Re: Government following Huntington on new tax, letter to the editor, July 6

John Connor writes, "Now that it (the HST) is to become 10 per cent... we can say Huntington was right on the mark." What Connor and many in the community seem to not understand is the HST will not to be reduced to 10 per cent until July 2014 - three years away!

Who knows what'll happen in that time? Can we trust this government to follow through?

In the meantime, we have to continue paying this hated tax on so many items that used to be either taxed at the five per cent GST or not taxed at all.

The 10 per cent HST signs are deceptive.

I was pleased to read an anti-HST campaign organizer is reporting this deception.

I received my voting package today and that's another story.

There are too many instructions on envelope within envelope... but what else would one expect?

Jean Wightman