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Casino complex worth pursuing

Editor: Re: Delta should begin efforts to bring a casino to town, letter to the editor, Feb. 8 Wow! Talk about original, creative, out-of-the-box ideas! Tom Griffing hits a home run with suggestions that could transform Delta.


Re: Delta should begin efforts to bring a casino to town, letter to the editor, Feb. 8

Wow! Talk about original, creative, out-of-the-box ideas! Tom Griffing hits a home run with suggestions that could transform Delta.

Instead of further developing our cherished bedroom communities, create an "Entertainment Zone" in the middle that would entice thousands travelling daily through Delta to pause and fund our municipal treasury. "Delta Centre" could be the Lower Mainland's premier entertainment destination.

Should one of the councillors seeking to abandon Delta council on May 14 succeed, perhaps Griffing could take their place? His refreshing brand of thinking is needed.

Ed Ries