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Concern yourself with Ladner issues

Editor: Re: Silent group must speak up on Southlands, letter to the editor, June 21 Joyce Schmidt writes that she once lived in Tsawwassen but now lives in Ladner and fully supports Century Group's plan for Southlands.


Re: Silent group must speak up on Southlands, letter to the editor, June 21 Joyce Schmidt writes that she once lived in Tsawwassen but now lives in Ladner and fully supports Century Group's plan for Southlands. She encourages others, like her, to let Delta council know of their support.

As a resident of Ladner, if the proposed application is approved, there will be no consequences for Schmidt.

She will not have to deal with the constant stream of trucks driving through Tsawwassen with fill for the project, she will not have to deal with the inevitable traffic problems or parking issues the project is bound to produce.

Schmidt making comments about Southlands is akin to me, a Tsawwassen resident, supporting the Marina Gardens proposal in Ladner.

Whatever happens there will have no direct bearing on me so why should I weigh in with my two cents?

Schmidt would be better off dealing with issues in her own community rather than issues in other communities that will have no bearing on her or her quality of life.

Peter White