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Constituent is not impressed by Findlay's response

Editor: Re: South Deltans still waiting for representation, letter to the editor, April 4 I wholeheartedly agree with Darren Garbutt. I've written to MP Kerry-Lynne Findlay numerous times and all I've received is one factually incorrect response.

Editor: Re: South Deltans still waiting for representation, letter to the editor, April 4 I wholeheartedly agree with Darren Garbutt. I've written to MP Kerry-Lynne

Findlay numerous times and all I've received is one factually incorrect response. Despite her blustering letter to the editor regarding the radio towers in the Optimist, I'm pretty sure she's only interested in North Delta photo ops. It reminds me of our mayor.

I shan't be voting for her; there has to be someone better out there.

P. Webb