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Council told to stand ground on pay parking at hospital

Editor: Here's hoping Delta's newly elected mayor and council continue to refuse Fraser Health's demands to install paid parking meters at our very special hospital.


Here's hoping Delta's newly elected mayor and council continue to refuse Fraser Health's demands to install paid parking meters at our very special hospital.

The amount of revenue Fraser Health has stated as being lost due to the lack of metered parking is miniscule in relation to its overall budget.

This proposed contribution to Fraser Health's coffers would not, as it states, improve the delivery of health care. It is actually an impediment to health care by restricting hospital access, causing unjust stress and anxiety while awaiting treatment or visiting and would require funding for additional staff to monitor meter usage together with the capital costs to purchase, install and maintain the devices.

Imagine coming out of the emergency ward to find your car towed? What about the effect on surrounding civic facilities and neighbourhood streets?

To the best of my knowledge, there are no municipal parking meters in Delta. Let's keep it that way and retain the small town charm of our wonderful municipality. Stick to your guns, mayor and councillors, and don't let us down.

Bill Slemko