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Councillor on right path to expose illegal dumpers

Editor: Re: Fines rise as Delta aims to curb illegal dumping, April 12 Kudos to Coun. Scott Hamilton for his idea regarding exposing the illegal dumpers on farm roads, etc.


Re: Fines rise as Delta aims to curb illegal dumping, April 12

Kudos to Coun. Scott Hamilton for his idea regarding exposing the illegal dumpers on farm roads, etc.

I am sure I speak for many taxpayers who would be pleased to have these cheaters exposed. I, for one, am tired of the lenient tactics dealing with such people.

When I walk on the Brunswick Point dike and see the mess these cheapskates leave behind, I am disgusted and discouraged as I know how little will be done to prosecute such reprehensible behaviour.

I think publicly exposing violators would be an excellent deterrent as obviously past fines have not worked.

The public should be involved with smartphone cameras if they witness such behaviour.

This same procedure should be done for our fine hospice thrift shop. The deluge, weekly, of mattresses and other cumbersome items left at their doorstep is a waste of their precious resources.

Maureen Brown