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Culprit leaves prints behind

Editor: This was a once in a lifetime home improvement that does not come cheap, especially for a retired couple.


This was a once in a lifetime home improvement that does not come cheap, especially for a retired couple.

We hoped to keep people off the newly poured concrete, so we taped off the garden and blocked access to the pathway by placing bins and parking vehicles strategically across its entrances. We felt confident intelligent individuals would respect the blocked access.

What we had not counted on was people who don't care about others, people who let their dogs run free and off-leash. How disappointed we are in residents who allow their dogs the run of the neighbourhood.

So here we are with thousands of dollars invested in a new pathway, designed and widened for easier access (and future probable needs such as wheelchair or stroller), just to have some inconsiderate or indifferent dog owner spoil it so significantly.

The concrete is set and the damage cannot be repaired short of redoing the entire job.

This person has not done their fellow dog owners any good and I for one will be very quick to call the authorities when I see a dog on the loose.

I hope the person whose dog was responsible has a

conscience and their dog's destructive ways to other people's property leaves them feeling seriously guilty.

Peter Vassilopoulos