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Delta business owners don't have to follow pesticide rules

Editor: Bear with me as I'm easily confused.


Bear with me as I'm easily confused. Why does having a Delta business licence entitle its holder to treat us with contempt?

If I were to blow smoke in your face, you'd be quite correct to conclude that I feel nothing but contempt for you, but when owners of local malls and businesses have their maintenance workers spread and spray pesticides about for us to inhale, we're supposed to inhale these neurotoxins in deeply, and carry on as if their contempt for us were OK.

Why? Because of some stupidity at municipal hall, Delta's ban of cosmetic pesticides doesn't extend to the commercial sector, which is why Delta business licence holders treat us, their customers, as if we were noxious weeds and biting insects. (But shop locally.)

Was it Charles Dickens who wrote, "The law's an ass?" I'm not sure, but let me offer an update: Delta's pesticide bylaw is half-assed, and the commercial property owners who hide behind it are full asses.

In short, it's 2013; we have healthy ways to control pests that employ

modern technology, instead of last century's neurotoxins.

Greg J. Edwards