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Doctors put forward logical surgical proposal

Editor: Re: Doctors called alarmists for hospital comments, letter to the editor, Feb. 18 The doctors are overreacting statement was a major misinterpretation of the doctors' proposal to reinstate Delta Hospital to its former service level.


Re: Doctors called alarmists for hospital comments, letter to the editor, Feb. 18

The doctors are overreacting statement was a major misinterpretation of the doctors' proposal to reinstate Delta Hospital to its former service level.

Anyone familiar with the dogmatic approach that has over the years been taken by Fraser Health to close and/or reduce Delta Hospital to a transfer station can appreciate the current status of our community hospital is not addressing community needs or vision.

The suggestions for improvements to the surgery component of the hospital to increase surgery times and add four surgery beds would seem logical in a day of tight resources.

Any resourceful manager would want to maximize an underused capital asset and achieve the maximum gain to cost ratio.

The strategic plan of Fraser Health towards mammoth centres and minimizing community care where it is needed is majorly flawed if it cannot respond to feedback from those communities it represents.

Bryson Kerr