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Dog owners need to shape up so all can enjoy the North 40

Editor: Re: Park suits more than just dogs, Murphy's Law, Sept. 4 I read with keen interest Ted Murphy's editorial on the North 40. I have been walking on this wonderful piece of property long before it was an official off-leash park.

Editor: Re: Park suits more than just dogs, Murphy's Law, Sept. 4 I read with keen interest Ted Murphy's editorial on the North 40. I have been walking on this wonderful piece of property long before it was an official off-leash park.

I have always considered it "my little oasis" and have spent many hours walking around and enjoying the blackberries too. I was very disappointed when I saw it became an official off-leash park, but I realize that times change, towns grow and why shouldn't everyone enjoy it?

However, it isn't a slice of what it used to be. We are now having to cope with piles of steaming dog poop (or bags full of poop not picked up) as well as stuffed bears, monkeys and snakes hanging from trees, etc. There are bags and garbage cans for disposal, so park users should use them.

Thank goodness the movie crews come in from time to time. They do a wonderful job of cleaning up the mess, so for that I am truly thankful. It wouldn't look nearly as good if it wasn't for them.

Due to life-threatening allergies, my dog is forced to walk on her leash, which

never used to be a problem. Now we are attacked and bitten and tripped up on a regular basis by so-called "friendly" dogs or "my dog has never done that before" dogs and their owners and it's becoming very unpleasant.

If those owners took note of the rules for offleash parks as they walked in, they'd realize their dog must be under their control at all times and that no aggressive dogs are allowed.

So, please, can we get rid of the stuffed toys, pick up the dog poop and garbage and let's all enjoy this little piece of heaven.

Christine Conroy