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Donors leaving items outside shop's fence could be fined

Editor: Hospice Cottage Charity Shoppe in Tsawwassen is concerned that people dropping off donations could receive costly fines if goods are left outside the closed fence.
Goods left beyond the fence are on the street.


Hospice Cottage Charity Shoppe in Tsawwassen is concerned that people dropping off donations could receive costly fines if goods are left outside the closed fence.

The installation of a fence across the back of the property was required because of the people who abused the system by dropping off garbage and items that were broken or not saleable.

This repeated dumping was not respectful to the volunteers and was becoming a high cost to the society to dispose of the garbage.

However, many donors do not realize that goods left outside the fence are on the street, which is civic property and is unsafe for traffic. This is no different than dropping goods on any neighbourhood street.

The Corporation of Delta has a requirement to keep all streets safe and unobstructed. As there is a cost to the municipality to dispose of items on streets, it passes on this cost to persons it can identify.

A sign is posted on the shop's fence indicating the area is under surveillance and people will be prosecuted. If they drop off goods and the gate is closed, they could be charged a $450 fine as well as a fine to dispose of the goods.

There is a new sign now posted beside the surveillance sign that tells donors about the fee. While the fence was to reduce the inconsiderate people who used the shop as a way to dispose of their garbage, we do not want anyone who generously drops off donations to be fined because they do not realize they are leaving goods on the road.

If the fence is closed, it may also mean donations have exceeded the ability of volunteers to manage the goods on that particular day. Some donors become very angry and call the volunteers nasty names. Please be respectful and understand these volunteers are your friends and neighbours.

All profits from the Hospice Cottage Charity Shoppe support equipment and services provided at no cost for people living with cancer or other serious illness, are dying and who are grieving a loss from death.

Nancy Macey

Executive Director

Delta Hospice Society