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Don't confuse sexism for decency

Editor: Re: Police dep't investigates sexism complaint, Jan.


Re: Police dep't investigates sexism complaint, Jan. 11

Let's review a basic playground rule: You never hit girls because they're weaker, which is re-enforced by the following: And you certainly never hit them in the stomach because that is where they will carry babies.

It's a chivalrous, warm, fuzzy and logical rule that any toddler understands instinctively from when? Two years on?

But now Chief Jim Cessford is having to defend two of his senior officers - one of whom is a woman - from sexism allegations because only two female officers were called up for riot duty?

And what young woman would want to expose herself to pepper spray, tear gas, punches and kicks?

Call protection of women sexist if you will, but I call it decency.

Greg J. Edwards