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Editor not the only one serving up the advice

Editor: Re: A little advice for local MP, Murphy's Law, June 27 Perhaps you might accept a "little advice.


Re: A little advice for local MP, Murphy's Law, June 27

Perhaps you might accept a "little advice." As a community newspaper the Optimist fails miserably to fill that role; one asks, where is the community in the paper; answer, nowhere to be found.

An example of how the Optimist has failed its readership is its weak coverage of the topical, much-discussed and certainly lengthening interest in the so-called towers in Point Roberts story. This story cried out for an in-depth series covering all aspects of the issue from start to current situation without pointing fingers at any one person or agency; as Joe Friday was wont to say, "Just the facts."

Were I still an editor, I would have dispatched a competent reporter into the field to garner all factual information about this issue, do credible research, compare findings to other similar situations on both sides of the USA-Canada border, interview the participants and then write a series (possibly three or four parts) giving both sides of the issue and allowing readers to draw their own conclusions for or against but conclusions based on facts not innuendo.

Inasmuch as letters to the editor are representative of readers' concerns, they do not form the basis for factual information - they are, after all, merely opinions as is this letter.

Bob Orrick