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Editorial: End to the dumpster fire?

Could this be the beginning of the end to the dumpster fire that is ICBC?
Could this be the beginning of the end to the dumpster fire that is ICBC? Editor Ian Jacques asks this question in this week's editorial

Could this be the beginning of the end to the dumpster fire that is ICBC?

On Tuesday, the provincial government announced that in mid-March, B.C. drivers will be receiving a one-time rebate cheque of roughly $190 – money coming from a surplus ICBC has accumulated with fewer claims during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The money will be coming to some 2.86 million drivers who held a policy between April 1 and Sept. 30 of last year.

Now I’m never one to turn down money – especially money from the government – but is this a case of too little too late?

If you ask the opposition B.C. Liberals it sure is.

Opposition critic for Public Safety and Solicitor General MLA Mike Morris says that it is totally unacceptable that B.C. drivers are the last in the country to see any reduction of auto insurance rates. He also points out that drivers in B.C. are receiving $100 less than those in other provinces.

Morris has a point, but didn’t this mess start when his party was in charge?

Attorney General David Eby referred to the ICBC financial mess as a “dumpster fire” when the NDP took power in 2017, so for the Liberals to lay the blame squarely at the feet of the NDP now is a bit much don’t you think?

While I’m happy, as I’m sure every driver in the province who will be receiving this rebate is too, I’m also wondering if this is too little, too late.

For years now ICBC rates have been rising dramatically. When I chat with my relatives in Saskatchewan, for instance, they are astounded at the money I pay for auto insurance.

While the rebate is nice, the only way that we will all see consistent savings across the board is for the province to open ICBC up to competition so all drivers can shop around for savings. Until then, the dumpster fire, I suspect, will still be smouldering.