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Editorial: Happy to get these shots

I’ve never been so happy to get a shot, and all of the clinic staff and volunteers made it easy

I’ve never been a big fan of shots, but I’ve become a fan of those needles in the past few weeks.

And I’m not alone as many of us have been rolling up our sleeves and getting our COVID-19 vaccinations.

My first shot was at a local pharmacy in North Delta in late April.

The process was quick and efficient and the pharmacist friendly and knowledgeable.

I received my second shot last week – July 8 in fact – at the North Delta Recreation Centre.

I was more than impressed with the systems in place.

For starters it was gratifying to see the long lines of people, both inside and outside the rec centre, who were on hand, doing their part.

The staff were friendly and helpful every step of the way. The vaccine clinic was well run and from the time I walked up to the door, worked my way through the line-up, got my shot and waited the required 15 minutes before leaving, the whole process was 37 minutes.

That’s pretty amazing service.

I know in the beginning of the vaccine rollouts there were many issues with booking appointments, wait times and miscommunication. I’ve written some critical thoughts in this space, but I’m more than happy to eat my words and give praise where praise is due.

As of Tuesday afternoon, 79.1 per cent of those 12 and older in B.C. have received their first dose and 46 per cent have received their second dose. In addition, 80.2 per cent of all eligible adults in B.C. have received their first dose and 49.1 per cent (myself included) have received their second dose.

The system is working. People are getting vaccinated and we are winning this battle.

I’ve never been so happy to get a shot, and all of the clinic staff and volunteers made it easy.