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Editorial: Reflections of 2020

From all of us at the Optimist, Happy New Year and all the best for a prosperous 2021!
New Year's column

This is our year in review edition of the Delta Optimist. It is a time where we can look back on the year it was and recall some of the stories that helped shape our community.

It is not much of a surprise that our front page features Dr. Bonnie Henry as the Newsmaker of the Year. She was chosen by Glacier Media, our parent company. It is a no-brainer. Dr. Henry has been the provincial face of the COVID-19 pandemic. She has handled her daily briefings with grace, care, compassion and love. And although I haven’t always agreed with her on her stance on some of the health orders, no one can deny that without Dr. Henry our province would be in much different position.

Another aspect of this edition is giving thanks.

Many of our advertisers have chosen to use their advertising space to thank our frontline workers.

When I reflect on this year, my mind instantly turns to thoughts about our doctors, nurses, care aids and assistants, hospital support staff, police officers, paramedics, fire fighters - all who have worked hard to ensure that we have been safe in this community, and our healthcare system continued to function.

The immense sacrifice of so many is not forgotten. We all owe each and every one of you a debt of gratitude.

Finally, on a closing note, I want to thank all of our advertisers and community contributors as well as all of our loyal readers for your support.

It has been a year of challenges for all of us, and we here at the Optimist have not been immune to those challenges, but with the support and dedication of so many in this community, we have persevered and will continue to tell the stories that matter in print and on-line in 2021.

So from all of us at the Optimist, Happy New Year and all the best for a prosperous 2021!