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Fading to black most welcomed

Just when it seemed like it was never going to end, we've gone to black, which in this case is a good thing.

Just when it seemed like it was never going to end, we've gone to black, which in this case is a good thing.

The interminable road work at and around the intersection of Ladner Trunk Road and Arthur Drive appears as if it's mercifully coming to a conclusion now that a smooth coat of asphalt adorns the area.

It was dragging on for so long I was seriously considering throwing together my own bike race in order to force Delta to pave the road. Obviously cyclists can't compete on what we've been driving on for the past few months, but then I thought: There's no way Delta would pave a stretch of road for a bike race, only to tear it up the next week in order to properly finish the job.

That would be crazy, wouldn't it? Speaking of curious situations, it sure would be nice if the traffic signal was one of the things that gets upgraded when Delta puts the finishing touches on the intersection.

The lights just south at the corner of 44th Avenue and Arthur Drive sense what vehicles are where and respond accordingly, but at Trunk Road drivers are often forced to sit and wait for left turners that don't exist.

Still on the subject of mostly-finished road projects, I understand the South Fraser Perimeter Road is now 81.7 per cent complete. Not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to this accomplishment, I hear the good folks in Victoria are going to wait for a true milestone - say something like 85 per cent - before they roll out the big guns in these parts for another photo opp.

Boy, Delta sure is the place to be during the summer. I'm grateful for the weather and the water, but what really impresses me are all the activities that are taking place.

We've just come off a weekend where we were treated to an air show, an outdoor movie night, a celebration of Burns Bog and a public market. This coming weekend features the always-popular Tsawwassen Sun Festival, the following plays host to the annual animal expo and another movie night, while the weekend after that brings us the car show and quilt walk.

And this all comes after we've enjoyed the Tour de Delta, Canada Day, etc.

What's even better - and I feel compelled to point this out due to my Scottish heritage - is that every one of these events taking place in our own backyard is absolutely free.